According to the factsheet, (CIPD, 2014) employee engagement have is becoming more and more popular in contemporary management practices over the last decade. The state of which is mostly intrinsic to the person psychologically speaking and physical. Commitment, job satisfaction and flow of work are the key factors that are emphasized within employee engagement. It 's also partly to do with how much extra effort that a member of employee is willing to put into their work. The key difference between traditional motivational train of thought is that whilst they are relatively individual based such as Maslow and Herzberg, which employee engagement is more collective minded by comparison.
In terms of the importance of employee engagement, Forbes have released an article concerning the importance of which. (Green, 2011)Within the article it has also mentioned that in fact engagement should happen during the process of strategizing the next move that the company wish to take. It has also been said that clear communication regarding direction and plan forward is a vital part of engagement. Part of the reason is that not only does it increase their motivation but also by keeping them "in the loop", it creates a sense of belonging at the same time. In doing so it is more likely that the staff would be more willing to take risks to ensure the success of the plans and visions that the
References: Allen, K., 2010. The Guardian. [Online] Available at: BBC, 2012. BBC News. [Online] Available at: Briner, R., 2014. HR Weekly. [Online] Available at: CIPD, 2014. [Online] Available at: Debow, D., 2011. Fortune Magazine. [Online] Available at: Dromey, J., 2014. Meeting the Challenge: Sucessful Employee Engagement in the NHS, s.l.: IPA. Gray, R., 2013. HR Magazine. [Online] Available at: Green, H., 2011. Forbes Magazine. [Online] Available at: Herbert, P., 2009. Bloomberg Business. [Online] Available at: Kular, S. et al., 2008. [Online] Available at: Lewis, G., 2014. CIPD. [Online] Available at: Robertson, I., 2012. The Guardian. [Online] Available at: Wakeman, C., 2013. Forbes Magazine. [Online] Available at: Wright, P., 2014. HR Magazine. [Online] Available at: