BSA 385
Iwona Rusin
Smith Systems Consulting - Software Engineering
Engagement Approach The term “Engagement Approach” refers to the company’s policies and procedures that help keep the employees dedicated, committed and focused on the future and success of the company, while, at the same time, enhancing their own self-worth. In order to achieve this, the company will do the following:
Initiate a yearly performance review process which all employees (including managerial personnel) will be required to participate in. The staff will be awarded bonuses based on the outcome of the performance reviews. These reviews will bring awareness to the employees that their efforts (or lack of) have not gone …show more content…
Scrum is an agile development methodology involving development teams working in unison independent of each other and at the same time interdependent on each team’s work (Tech Target, 2007). The Scrum methodology spawns developmental decisions as a result of active software creation, directing and guiding the development team task to keep on the project timeline and according to specification. The Lean Software Development approach is Smith Consulting’s secondary software development method in practice. The consideration of the Lean methodology for development is in regard to redevelopment or version upgrade to existing software products. The Lean methodology is a derivative of a project management approach originally developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation (MSDN, 2012). The purpose of the Lean approach is to develop a more robust and efficient software product. The development technique is to achieve a reduction in processing overhead. Rework includes removing invaluable features and employing modern coding technique to improve overall program