Most companies conduct formal evaluations of every employee at least once a year. At such times, each employee meets individually with his or her supervisor, and the supervisor reviews and discusses each employee's job performance. The supervisor often prepares and presents a written evaluation to the employee, and a copy of the evaluation is kept in the employee's personnel file.
The evaluation process serves a number of important purposes for both employees and supervisors. For example, for employees it provides feedback on their work quality, feedback on strengths and weaknesses, an opportunity to learn what the supervisor views as important to be successful at the company and an opportunity to learn how to improve performance. And for superiors it provides opportunity to provide feedback to employees, criticize employees' work performance, identify employees' work strengths and weaknesses and so on.
There are 6 steps in appraisal process:
1. Set Objectives - You can't have an effective performance review without knowing what you want to get from the information you receive. Make sure that each employee understands what they are supposed to achieve and how they are to go about achieving those things.
2. Define the Reviewer's Role - This means making sure the reviewer keeps in mind the questions to be asked are about the job, not the employee. Make sure the reviewer has all the necessary documentation and that they conform to the previously set review objectives.
3. The Review - If you have set the objectives and defined how the reviewer conducts the review, all that is required is to set in motion your review and collect the results.
4. Evaluation - One of the most important things to look for during evaluation is the causes for underperformance. You must also be careful to only review facts and disregard any opinions that can't be backed up by evidence.
5. Set Goals - These goals need to reflect the direction of the