Employee Portfolio
Complete one matrix for each employee.
Employee name: _______Kalena Davis__________________
Self Assessment | Results Summary | Strengths | Weaknesses | How Satisfied Am I with My Job? | Kalena scored a 79, which is above the means in the 74 to 76 range. Organizations that have employees who score high are more likely to experience lower absenteeism and turnovers. | Kalena appreciates the compensation for his position in the organization, the job, and the flexibility of managing his work program. Kalena likes working independently as well as in a group. | Kalena’s only weakness is being able to delegate things to other people. | Am I Engaged? | Kalena scored a 9 in a range of 9 to 45. People who score low are more likely to not be satisfied with the job, have a hard time getting through challenges and problems. | Kalena can devote a good amount of time doing what he likes to do and that brings good results to the company. | Kalena does not have the ability to maintain his self especially through difficult times. If he does not like a certain task, it is very difficult for him to commit to the job and he becomes easily distracted. | How Are You Feeling Right Now? | Kalena scored a 36 from the range of 10 to 50. Higher numbers indicate that you are experiencing more positive emotions and lower numbers indicate that you are experiencing negative emotions. | Kalena is very good at controlling his emotions when he is in a working environment. | Kalena may sometimes put all of his focus on the negative instead of the positive. | What’s My Affect Intensity? | Kalena scored a 33 from the range of 10 to 50. The higher your score is the more emotionally intense you are. | Kalena knows when he has to put all of his emotions aside and when he needs to be a little emotional. | There are times when Kalena needs to be reminded that he needs to be professional. | What’s My Emotional Intelligence