The aim of this analyze is let us to know about the practices of electronics manufacturing field, according to their employees and to understand how they keep continuous intense competition in the electronics manufacturing field.
This research and analyze focus on some factors that is effecting the employee turnover rate in high percentage in this industrial field.
The research and analyze was study most of the employees of electronics manufacturing field in China manufacturing of Hong Kong companies.
For the purpose of research method was used by using questionnaire as a tool for
Data collection. The Targeted Population was about ten thousands of Electronics Manufacturer in China of Hong Kong Company. (Wong’s –Kong Kin, Vi-Tech,
Computime, Star- light, Elite, Beautiful, GP Audio, Sonic, etc………..)
We selects 300 of Hong Kong companies with manufacturing faculties in China and their Labor force is over 3,000 person’s companies/ enterprises.
We was send about 300 sheet of questionnaire to 300 of Hong Kong
Companies with manufacturing facilities in China of their Human Resources departments.
Moreover, we also have made the call phone to these 300 companies to get concerning information reply.
Finally, we are successfully to get back 150 replies.
We are focus on (1) Salary, (2) working environment, (3) Benefits, (4) company culture and top management’s management attitude. (5) Chance of promotion
The result has shown us , there are few major factors to affect employee’s turnover rate in high percentage. Firstly is Salary , the data shared over 35% , Secondly is chance of promotion and benefit , the data shard over 30% , Thirdly is working environment , the data shared over 25%, final company culture and top management ‘s management attitude , data shared are also 10%.
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