An attempt is made to study the level of organisation commitment among the employees at pantaloon retail India limited –Big bazaar, KSRTC
The research was carried for period of eight weeks from 3May to June 29, 2010.A descriptive research was carried by taking convenience sampling for the employees of the each group. A well structured questionnaire was prepared and administered to employee sample of 100.
The opinions are collected and tabulated, and it is analyzed through tables and percentage analysis. The results of the analysis are used for drawing the conclusions. A remedial measure / recommendation were suggested based on the findings.
The Indian retail market, which is the fifth largest retail destination globally, has been ranked the second most attractive emerging market for investment after Vietnam in the retail sector by AT Kearney 's seventh annual Global Retail Development Index (GRDI), in 2008. The share of retail trade in the country 's gross domestic product (GDP) was between 8–10 per cent in 2007. It is currently around 15 per cent, and is likely to reach 22 per cent by 2010.
A McKinsey report 'The rise of Indian Consumer Market ', estimates that the Indian consumer market is likely to grow four times by 2025. Commercial real estate services company, CB Richard Ellis ' findings state that India 's retail market is currently valued at US$ 511 billion.
Banks, capital goods, engineering, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), software services, oil marketing, power, two-wheelers and telecom companies are leading the sales and profit growth of India Inc in the fourth quarter of 2008-09. India continues to be among the most attractive countries for global retailers. At US$ 511 billion in 2008, its retail market is larger than ever and drawing
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