MGT 210 Supervision and Leadership
Employees Union
When a supervisor is faced with the fact that their employees have decided to form a union, this can be a very stressful time for the supervisor. It is good to know what standards the company goes by in these cases so the supervisor can make sure they are following the guidelines carefully. It is also a good thing for the supervisor to remember this action taken by the employees is nothing towards them personally because there are many reasons that employees want to unionize, such as; higher wages, benefits and so on. With this is mind, it is a good idea that the supervisor pay close attention to what they say while attending a union meeting. For example; a supervisor should never threaten an employee for attempting to unionize by saying something like, “you will never get over time or extra days off for doing this”. That is never a good thing to do and it can be recorded and used against a company later on.
The best way to handle this situation is to follow the guidelines. * Consult with the human resources department or higher management before dealing with officials of the union; * Avoid changing wages or benefits during the unionization attempt; * Be careful not to discriminate or argue with employees who would like to join the union or with employees who are trying to form a union. Employees Union 3
One of the main things a supervisor can do during a union push is to remember to deal with the employees fairly, in the end this makes for a better relationship between the union and the company. Open communication between all parties is the key.
Rue, L.W. and Byars, L.L. (2004). Supervision: key link to productivity (8th ed.). New York: