Question 1
The different aspect covered by the employment right and responsibility are
Data protection - this act covers all information held about individuals by an employer.
Anti discrimination - this act prohibits discrimination of any kind such as sex, gender, disability, religion, or racial grounds. sickness- Training
The main features of the current employment legislation are
Data protection Act 1999- this act covers all information about the individuals by an employer. This means it controls all personal information used by an organisation, government or business and anyone who is in charge of keeping data's must abide by the data protection principle (Anon., n.d.). This principle covers but computerised and manual records.
Equalities Act 2010 - the equality acts legally protect people from discrimination in workplace and society. This comprises of all the 116 acts which has been in place for discrimination into one act such as Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Equality pay act 1970 etc (Anon., 2014).
Employment Act 2002 - the employment act was introduced 2002 to make changes to the Employment Right Act 1996 in other to allow flexible working hours to maternity, paternity and adoption and also to grant leave to take care of their children.
Employment relation Act 1999-
Employment right Act 1996-
Human right Act 1998
National minimum wage Act 1998 national minimum wage regulation 1999 part time workers regulations 200
Working time regulation Act 1998
Legislation relating to employment exists in other to protect the right of both the employee and the employer. This is mainly to avoid exploitation of the employers and it ensures that all procedures, policies and regulations are been complied with.
Job description
Employees contract policy documents staff handbook
Question 2
My contract of employment include hours of work, which entails the hours of work and number of days am entitled