You must enable the object manager to use Siebel Open UI before you can do any customization work.
To enable object managers for Siebel Open UI
1 Enable the object manager for the Siebel Server: a Log in to the Siebel CRM client with administrator privileges. a Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, and then the Servers view. a In the Components list, query the Component field for the object manager where you must enable Siebel Open UI.
For example, query for the following value:
2 Call Center Object Manager (ENU) a In the bottom applet, click Parameters. a In the Component Parameters list, query the Parameter field for EnableOpenUI. a Set the Value on Restart field to TRUE. a Log out of the client and close the browser.
As an alternative to using the administrative screens, you can modify the application configuration file on the Siebel Server in the same way that you modify this file on the client in Step 2.
1 Enable Siebel Open UI on the Mobile Web Client: a On the client computer, use a text editor to open the application configuration file.
For example, to open the configuration file for Siebel Call Center, navigate to the following folder, and then open the uagent.cfg file:
2 client_install_location\bin a In the InfraUIFramework section, set the EnableOpenUI parameter to the following value:
EnableOpenUI=TRUE a Save, and then close the application configuration file. a Log in to Siebel Call Center and verify that it opens the Siebel Open UI client.
To revert to the high-interactivity client, you can set the EnableOpenUI parameter to FALSE. If you do this reversion, then you must use Internet Explorer, version 8 or earlier when you open the client.
1 Stop the Siebel Server: a On the computer where the Siebel Server resides, click the Start menu, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then the Services menu item. a In the Services dialog box, right-click the