Mărieş Oana
3rd Semester project
Environmental Management and Sustainability Sciences
09 – 01 – 2013
Title:Picture Title: | Energy Efficiency in Heritage/UNESCO Buildings. The cases of Croatia, Scotland and RomaniaRoyal Castle from Săvârşin, Romaniahttp://www.monumenteuitate.ro/ro/monument/105/Savarsin-Palatul-familiei-regale#prettyPhoto | Project Period: | 01 September 2012 – 09 January 2013 3nd semester EMSS | Supervisor: | Davide Maneschi | Co-supervisor: | Christoffer Strandgard | Number in copies: | 4 | Abstract
This report tries to set light to the procedures, some of modern technique and some of traditional craftsmanship, that can help improve the energy balance of a heritage building. This domain is growing every day and more attention is paid to a proper restoration of the traditional buildings in terms of energy efficiency.
This research question: What are the current technical measures taken in the rehabilitation process of historical buildings in Europe in order to help energy efficiency? tried to be answered, while also trying to point differences between regular renovation of a building in terms or energy efficiency and a restoration of a traditional building. Data collection and site visits have been done as well as interviews with several architects in order to gather expert opinion and customised recommendations for each area of interest.
Many of the findings pointed that the buildings need a tailored approach when new project for implementing energy efficiency measures are started. Matters like number of people living/using the buildings, size, age, scope of buildings as well as budget are key factors when deciding the energy improvements that can be used. Also, a major key factor is the climate in which the building is situated in, since this will reveal the necessities of the building and specific problems or highest priorities in term of energy efficiency.
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