1.2 Explain the organisation’s mission and purpose Our organisations mission and purpose is to achieve full compliance with the energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD)
1.3 Compare how the organisation works with other different types of organisations Our organisation works differently to other types of organisations because we don’t actively advertise in any way, as we do not buy or sell anything and there are only 10 other organisation in the uk that provide the same services as we do and we are the largest covering around 30% of the market
1.4 Explain your main responsibilities, how these fit into the organisation’s structure, and how these contribute to achieving your organisation’s mission
My main responsibilities are to provide technical support for domestic energy assessors and green deal advisors. Domestic energy assessors and green deal advisors are our main source of income at the minuet as there is currently a high demand for energy performance certificates on domestic properties; this helps our organisation reach EPBD standards by driving down energy usage across the UK.
1.5 Define policies, procedures, systems and values of your organisation relevant to your role Strategy
Strategy development is the overall process of establishing where we are now and deciding where we want to be and how we are going to get there.
I follow various strategies to manage deadlines, manage time and stress everyday in my work life
Policy making involves taking a clear position on a function, service or issue to provide a framework or a set of principles that determine decisions, actions and approaches to those matters.
As an employee of this organisation, I strive my best to abide by the policies and procedures of my organisation.
A plan sets out the intended method of progressing from the current situation to the achievement of one or more of the desired outcomes.
In my day to day work, I plan everything with the SMART