1.0 An Overview of Urban Regeneration
According to Withgott and Brennan (2007), people are now live at a turning point. Beginning about the year 2007, for the first time in the human history, more people will live in the urban areas than in rural areas. The development of social diversity is one of the principal objectives of urban regeneration. It aims at attracting new inhabitants in degraded districts but also preventing their inhabitants to leave them as soon as the situation has improved.
To reach such an objective requires establishing a strong bond between economic development and physical regeneration. These two themes of urban regeneration are, indeed, complementary; insofar they allow a work in the fields of social development and improvement of environment. The first aims at making the inhabitants reach training and employment and the second tends to support their maintenance on the spot and attract new residents, by improving the quality of urban life.
1.1 Introduction of the Study
As the world massively moving into modernization and world without boundaries, urban tourism has become an important economic source for city areas. Either in developed countries or developing countries, tourism has been allowed to be placed as an important urban function. This study will emphasize on the urban regeneration in sense of designing an urban tourism. The study will show how the post-industrial city being transferred into major attraction among tourists. We will analyze how the social mobilization will impact the city to be regenerated. Last but not least, how the preservation and function of heritage resources in the city affects urban regeneration.
1.2 Problem Statement
The growth of tourism industry increase tremendously after 1970’s in urban areas. Ironically for industrial city, tourism industry is alienated or neglected from being part of the urban function. However, as the industry growth bigger and successfully
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