Throughout this course it has provided me with the essential tools to arrange text in an organized manner and establish vital parts needed in my writing. It has also provided me with key principles to maintain a clear understanding of my work. Such as one of our previous assignments where we were to summarize Steve Jobs commencement address to Stanford University. It essentially provided us with specific guidelines to formulate a summary where as in the being I was unaware of the grammar and evidenced needed to structure a summary. For instance, in the Steve Jobs Summary I stated “he explains how he never got the opportunity to graduate. Due, to …show more content…
him dropping out of college after his first 6 months of attending” (Identification of Jobs Speech). It was apparent I lacked the ability to formulating complete sentences and organize my thoughts in a logical order. However, I can now express complete sentences and feel confident when delivering my thoughts. During this course, I have been expected to write in a knowledgeable way and refrain from simple minded thoughts.
But, in doing so it lead to me spending a considerable amount of time and preparation. Unfortunately, I was caught off guard in the beginning due to me not understanding the complexity of literature and its rhetoric strategies. While looking back at the course syllabus it stated, “students should be able to produce unified, coherent, well-developed essays using standard written English.” (Lamb). However, I had to make a vast adjustment to essentially prepare for the strict requirements of this course. While using my time wisely and critically in many high-stake
This course has essentially helped me with the structure necessary to carefully plan a paper. Although, it was once unorganized and unstructured, I have learned the importance of arranging my ideas in a logical order. As our syllabus said, “This course is designed to develop the ability to produce clear writing in a variety of genres and formats using a recursive process” (Lamb). This objective has essentially been met throughout this course and helped me see things from a totally new perspective.
Although I have experienced many challenges this summer in English 111 such as being unmotivated and overburdened with stress. It has ultimately lead to me having improved writing skills and a better understanding of the structure needed when formulating an essay. Since I clearly lacked the skills of writing a coherent and evidence filled paper in the beginning. I’ve found collecting evidence can make my statements more distinct while improving my organization. Overall it has become a key part in my writing abilities and enhanced the way I present my ideas and evidence.