Should college be free?
66%. 66% is the percentage of people who do not graduate from high school due to the high price. Education is priceless and very important and college should be free because it will help our economy, and it will give us a brighter future with better technology.
Most people in the world can not finish or attend college because of the price so high this causes that we have to see what are other things such as bills that we need to pay.If college were to be free, then that would mean that more than twice the people who regularly attend will now attend because they now don't have to worry about paying for it. This will allow all the students to focus more on the classes with one less thing to worry about. After more people have attended college and now have a degree they will be prepared for the real world and help the world with their brighter minds, this will boost our economy up.
Therefor if college were to be free, then another thing that would also benefit us from free college is that now that there are more smart and prepared people out there they will be able to reach out and think together for other ways to help the planet such as new resources for us to use everyday, technologies that will help us do our work while we do other things to help out,also look for a way to slow down the process of us using up completely our planet.
In conclusion having free college will benefit us by having a better economy, and a brighter future so what do you think should college be free or not?