The objective of the EE1003 project is to understand basic concepts in signal processing and transmission by implementing a one-way voice communication system. In this project, audio digital signal is transmitted from the transmitter side to the receiver side via a laser link. Subsequently, the received signals will be played back using a speaker. The system is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Project illustration
Firstly, the project requires to encode the input analog voice signal using a pulse code modulation (PCM) encoder chip TP3054 (or TP3057). Subsequently, generate the training sequence and transmit the digital voice signal using a laser link. The photodiode is used on the receiver side to detect the transmitted signals and frame marker. And then the received signal is decoded by the PCM chip to get back an analog signal, which in turn is replayed by the speaker. And bit synchronization is used for clock recovery.
Project Requirements
Several constraints in this project have posed challenges to us.
Time: We only left with one month to complete the whole project. And 3 hours of lab session per week is insufficient. We have to make use of open lab session every day.
Lab equipments: We do not have sufficient lab equipments by our own. When it comes to debug, equipments such as oscilloscope are essential. Therefore, we have to come back to lab to do debugging.
Knowledge: Our knowledge on signal processing and transmission is limited at the start, especially with regards to the frame synchronization. Knowledge required for this project is obtained through the process of designing and implementing the communication system. Therefore, our group have to face many difficulties at the beginning of this project.