Appendix B Audience-Focused Communication Matrix
Audience-Focused Communication | Audience | Audience Characteristics | Channels of Communication | Strategies to Ensure Effective Messages | Audience Diversity Considerations | Managers | A manager can be thought of as the gatekeeper who will manage whether or not the main audience gets the information. This audience will have sincerity and authority in the business and will anticipate being handle as such. Professionalism and precision of knowledge is of upmost importance. | Though this communication is presented face-to-face, incorporating some visual aids will be a great help. When the company has the technical sources accessible, every person in the …show more content…
How much time do theyneed to talk aboutthe data? During thatperiod, what is themost crucial data totalk about? Theaudience desires tobe aware of salesdata so they cantake the bestdecision regardingtheir investment intothe company. | For clients, the bestkind of communicationwill be printedinformation which theycan take along when the conference isfinished. This data willlet them to have adeeper look into theorganization. As theconference by itself isface-to-face, thechannel ofcommunication will bea verbal and visualchannel, just likesalesmen as well asmanagers. | To make sure agreat message withour clients, it isessential to providethe data in a manner that theywill grasp. I will beunable to talk aboutevery factor of theorganization'squarterly sales datatherefore I shouldprovide the datawhich clients aresearching for likeprofits, net incomeor losses, andmargins. It's prettysure that withclients in mind, Iwould wish to takeinto account thatmany of them mightnot grasp anythingregarding the givensubject. To providethe messageefficiently, beginwith a clean slate ofinformation. | …show more content…
Clients aretreated with theupmost regard. | For clients, the bestkind of communicationwill be printedinformation which theycan take along when communicationcontains me, providingthe material, and theaudience, getting thematerial. With a hugearea which willsufficiently contain therespective quantity ofpersons is essential,however much moreessential is having thesuitable technology toprovide the message toeverybody efficiently.In case it were a bigroom with hundreds ofpersons, I would like tohave some kind of micand loudspeakersystem to make sureeverybody could hearme ok. | To make sure agreat message withour clients, it isessential to providethe data in a would initially mustmake sure thateverybody in theconference couldlisten me and listenmy message. To dothis, I would havesome kind of micand loudspeakersystem establishedto provide mymessage. I wouldalso have a bigmonitor andtechnology linked toprovide pictures tothe audience as Iam talking. I wouldalso give speakernotes and notessection. |