Topic: Existence of fiery and icy emotions leads to life in a human being whereas non-existence of these emotions is death.
Emotions can be divided into two broad categories; fiery and icy. Fiery emotions are mainly hatred, envy, anger and madness whereas icy emotions consist of laziness, calmness, ignorance, satisfaction and insensitivity. Except these, the two emotions with overwhelming power are the lust and fear. Lust being fiery whereas fear being an icy emotion according to majority of people. These emotions and instincts of humans keep them motivated and into work. A blend of both these types of emotions brings the human to completeness.
Unless there is lust or greed for something, a person doesn’t even try to achieve that thing for e.g. a farmer works day and night to make his crops grow, either because of the fear of dying out of hunger or because of the lust to earn much extra cash; both of these emotions keep a person motivated to work which are indeed, fiery and icy emotions respectively. In short, it can be said that these emotions give the psychological and meaningful life to human being. But what if these emotions don’t exist?
Non-existence of these emotions can be inferred as to psychological death of human being. Although the word “psychological death” might seem a harsh regarding to the existing concern, but no better word can be thought of except this, as a person who is devoid of these emotions, cannot act out of his/her free will. This psychological death does also lead to the physical death of a human being as s/he finds his/her life without curiosity and charm which is why s/he thinks himself/herself better being dead. Without emotions, the world is like a black and white picture whereas emotions add color to the life. A person who is devoid of these emotions is no different to machines such as robots. This is perhaps true because all the physical and even mental tasks can be performed by the robots