Disadvantages of euthanasia * Some religious groups feel strongly against the issue arguing that life is sacred and that allowing suicide would devalue it * In some instances determining if a person really wants to end their life or not can be difficult, especially in cases where the patient has an effected conscious such as dementia * Conflicts with the Hippocratic oath that all doctors swear to uphold which means they are not able to cause harm to any person * Mercy killing would lead to the 'slippery slope effect', which is when those who are unable to voice their desires, are put to death like the senile, or a baby or someone in a coma and so on. * -------------------------------------------------
It would cause decline in health care and cause victimization of the most vulnerable sections of society
Advantages of legalizing marijuana * Marijuana has been proven to reduce depressions and lessen anxiety in humans by a considerable degree * Less dangerous physically then other drugs which are being described in order to cure or help with the same conditions * Medical costs would be reduced greatly if people were allowed to grow it themselves * The economy would receive a boost from the legalization of it because a lot of people currently use it * The legalization of the drug will cause it to be taken off the black