The word communication has its roots in the Latin word communicane, meaning
‘to impart’ English being a universal language, communicating fluently in English has become essential for everyone who wishes to communicate well in the academic and professional spheres. Even though the majority of tasks performed by an engineer or scientist are of technical nature, their success depends on the effectiveness with which they assimilate or disseminate technical or formal information. So, it is important for students of science and technology to master over English for their Technical communication. Communication is important in all the walks of life. Communication is an integral part of daily activity. It starts from morning alarm clock makes sound and urges us to get out of bed. It continues till we enter the world of dream in our sleep.
Messages that are non-technical or informal in nature is categorized as general purpose communication. whereas messages pertaining to technical, industrial or business matters belong to the category of technical or business communication. Technical communication is a central factor in the emerging knowledge society, where technocrats and professionals in different areas face new communication challenges. Daniel G.Rioden quoted the definition of
Technical Communication of Killingsworth and Gilbertson in this book on
Technical Communication as follows:
Technical communication is “Writing that aims to get work done, to change people by changing the way they do things” (T.C.16). The definition for Technical
Communication stated by Ashraf Rizvi in this book on Effective Technical communication as “transmission of scientific and technical information from one individual or group to another” (10). He also mentioned the three important requirements of effective technical communication they are:
A) Subject Competence
B) Linguistic Competence
C) Organizational competence