Table of Content
Page Content
1. Introduction
2. English only Policies
3. Lawsuits of Discriminations
4. EEOC vs. Pro English
5. Conclusion
6. Works Cited
English Only or Not? Introduction In the United States we are filled with different cultures and backgrounds form other countries, for that reason many other languages other than English are often spoken in the workplace and public areas without thinking how other people around them may feel not understanding the language. People that only speak English often feel as they are being talked and gossiped about causing an uncomfortable situation in the workplace. Over forty percent of Californians speak a foreign language. In some businesses they have implemented English only policies were the employee can only speak English while at work and can be reprimanded if they speak any other language other than English. There are policies that are in place in order to justify an English-only rule in a business. Some policies for English only will be explained later in this research paper. There have been many lawsuits that people have won over $800,000 for being discriminate against but other lawsuits that have been thrown out for unjustified cause as well. In 1996 there was only about thirty lawsuits with the EEOC and has more than tripled in the last ten years. Many issues arise with this issue since some businesses have allowed one foreign language to be spoken in the work place but discriminate against another language. There have also been issues with not allowing employees to speak their foreign language during their lunch and breaks due to other employees not able to understand their conversation causing discrimination once again. Some employees feel like second class citizens because they want to speak their foreign language and are not allowed to since they have the possibility of losing
Cited: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2002/01/29/eguillermo.DTL&ao=all http://www.gcconsulting.com/articles/120193/73/English-Only-Workplace-Policies http://voices.yahoo.com/english-only-workplace-policies-eeoc-vs-proenglish-5144765.html?cat=17 http://www.tlnt.com/2012/04/05/is-it-legal-to-have-a-english-only-rule-for-the-workplace/