Assessment Type #3: Text Production (Oral)
Hey guys, I’ll begin with a quote that basically sums up rowing in general, “Rowers do more before 8am than most people do all day.” So I’m here today to talk to you about a very significant point in Adelaide High School Rowing history, The 2012 Sprint Cup. Last year, a select of the AHS senior rowers were chosen to participate in a sprint cup down on the Torrens River against two other crews from CBC and Norwood Morialta. Now I’m willing to bet that when 90% of you think of rowing, the childhood song comes into mind, “Row, Row, Row your boat gently down the stream.” This is a complete misconception on rowing given that the only passage that is truthful in the rhyme is the line: “Row, row, row your boat”. Rowing is not gentle. Rowing is not merry. Life is not a dream when you row. Basically rowing consists of 4:30am wake ups followed by intense fitness or water sessions which leave you feeling drained and lethargic. We then get to look forward to a full day of school at which, by about 12:00, you are seriously struggling to maintain consciousness and you begin contemplating positioning yourself in your classroom where you will get the least amount of attention from the teachers, thus enabling you to get a few minutes of shut eye. Unfortunately for me, I snore when I sleep so that option is unavailable. However all of this training does pay off and on occasion we are rewarded with a slap on the back and in extremely rare cases, a medal.
This brings me to the date of the sprint cup. On the day, I had no idea that the race was such a big deal, to me it was just another tiresome race in which we would most likely loose. However after the race finished and we had been handed a cup and a nice shiny medal, I realised how important the race was.
The beginning of the race was pretty messy with lots of shouting from each crew. After a few strokes we got into a rhythm and close to the finish line, we