Political factors
The political changes in the UK really do impact negatively on the software industry , although of late , there has been a concerted effort to enact legislation to curb software piracy which has been termed as one of the greatest threats to the industry . Currently the anti-piracy law of UK prohibits and sets forth legal measures against perpetrators of the crime and it is anticipated that this will stamp out the vice that is so rife in the UK . From a global perspective , different political scenarios in different countries where the software industry market their products also impacts on the performance of the industry for instance , the software industry is affected negatively when other countries which have been traditionally markets for UK software companies change to competitors for instance China and India . This is usually occasioned by regime change in those countries . Gender equality has also had a significant influence of the industry I that , they have been forced to change their labor policies to reflect equal opportunities accorded to all genders
Economic Factors
Although there is a clear-cut difference between political factors and economic factors some happenings in political arenas have had an impact on the economic factors for instance legislation touching on taxation for software products . Currently the economic state in the UK is friendly and