Consider yourself a practitioner in computer technology, telecommunications and Software system, who is interested in acquiring skills through knowledge of the most advanced application tools and methods both present (such as MIT programme) and coming. You have consequently been charged with planning, developing, applying and delivering advance information systems, architectural solution and programming products. Identify and critically analyze cognate enterprise architecture and new generation information system required to accomplish your goal.
In management, enterprise architecture (EA) is the art and science of enterprise design. The hope for enterprise architecture is that applying systematic rational methods to the design of an enterprise will produce one that more effectively and efficiently pursues its purposes.
In order word enterprise is any collection of corporate or institutional task-supporting functional entities that have a set of common goals or a single mandate. In this context, an enterprise is, but is not limited to, an entire corporation, a division or department of a corporation, a group of geographically dispersed organizations linked together by common administrative ownership, a government agency (or set of agencies) at any level of jurisdiction, a group of government agencies, and so on. This also encompasses the concept on an extended enterprise, which is a logical aggregation that includes internal business units of a firm along with partners and suppliers (sometimes customers are also considered part of an extended enterprise).
Large organizations and government entities may comprise multiple enterprises; however, there is often a lot in common about overall mission, and, hence, the ensuing need for (minimally) interoperable information systems, consistent data representations/extracts; in turn, this drives the desire for a common architecture framework. One of the many examples