In this case study a lot of personal attributes are depicted of Kalin. It is all these attributes of Kalin that played a vital role in his successful career as a business owner. There were many attributes out of which few main attribute that came across were passion, persistence, hardworking, determination and creativity. Kalin was smart and out of all the attributes he held on to passion because he was passionate about cheese from his own country. The one thing I liked about Kalin was though he had many difficulties while starting up his business he was able to think in a different manner how others might not think and made his business successful.
Kalin inspired me through his leadership skill and the way he thought like no others would think which made realize that I was put in a similar situation back home. I used to do the accounts of my friend’s business and he used to tell me how the business is going and asked for help because the business was going in a loss. He was and still is the leading karate institute in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E and is one of the first karate institute to open up in U.A.E. when I learned more about his business I understood why was the company going under loss, they had never increased the price of the services they provided since 2004 so I told him to increase the price same as the other karate institutes in the locality. It wasn’t easy to just one fine day increase the price so I suggested that we can do a survey in which we ask for his students suggestions. Surprisingly the students said that this is the only institute that ask for suck low price for the services they provide and they told that they would be willing to pay more because they were the best in the whole of Abu Dhabi. As a result of the suggestion he was able to bring it back to profit and opened 3 new branches more. Like Kalin I was able to think differently and was able to help my friend.
Kalin had a variety of ideas regarding exporting; his