Advantages: structure, link between, overview
Disadvantages: you start pretty slow, instead of start right ahead with the huge great depression event.
Brief description of the event – what happened during the great depresion …
1. The Great Depression was a deep economic crisis which affected, at different moments and degrees, most economies of the world
2. Sparked by the return of the Gold Standard in a world which had changed dramatically after WWI
3. Initiated in the US, globalisation meant the crisis would spread worldwide through commerce and international relationships
4. Consequences: deflation (prices fall 1/3), Unemployment (13 million), investors' confidence destroyed
America (no, better yet, the world!) needed a leader
Brief description of Roosevelt (traits and so on).
Where he came from (background), one or two lines of what his done. What did he do, what has he accomplished?
New deal (economic policy program): 10 topics, laws (close banks, unemployment, stock market price)
How was he successful? Try to answer the question in the following topics and theories!
Topic 1: Traits (leadership style)
Did he have the right traits? Skills? Styles? Also according to the situation?
Characteristics/Traits: Active, determined (good in change), self-confident, risk taker, brave, realized mistake.
definition, brief statement analyze roosvelt acoording to the topit conclusion + critics
Move on to next topic: his traits is one thing that made him successful, but also his way to communicate …
Topic 2: Communication
brief statement analyze roosvelt acoording to the topic conclusion + critics
Move on to next topic: because of his traits (maybe style, skills, behaviour and so on) and his communication skills made him successful, influence and powerful.
Topic 3: Power and influence
brief statement analyze roosvelt acoording to the topic conclusion +