159 462
Environmental Systems
Assignment 2
Ideas Competition
“Submit a proposal of you ideas that explore innovation, sustainability and pragmatics” The Faculty of Architecture Building & Planning is being uprooted and relocated to allow the demolition of the current building. In this assignment I am not going to discuss the potential green, eco friendly, sustainability aspects that could be incorporated into the new building, rather focus on the possibilities that are created when a facility of this magnitude is dispersed. There are hundreds of people affected by this large-scale event. All the offices, tutorial rooms, computer labs, library and lecture auditoriums now need to be facilitated elsewhere. My idea remedies the logistical nightmare of dissolving the spaces needed into surrounding buildings, using their facilities whilst the new building is being built. It also incorporates the recycling of the fixtures fittings and computer infrastructure within the current building. My proposal starts with these…. Shipping containers.
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My idea is to build a temporary Faculty of Architecture Building & Planning with used shipping containers. This will be the temporary home for the faculty. When the new building is built and operational, the shipping container building could then be reconfigured to create student accommodation.
Melbourne University owns a lot of property around the Parkville campus. My idea requires the University to buy some more. The University will have to invest a lot of money, time and resources into this idea but the benefits will be ten-fold. This is not only an immediate solution to this problem but also a creation of an idea that expands into something more than just the Faculty of Architecture Building & Planning. It will allow the current students a unique opportunity to be involved in the many facets this new development