
Ephesians 5 Definition Of Godly Men

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Ephesians 5 Definition Of Godly Men
In the world of turmoil that we live in today, the need for men described in Ephesians 5 of the Kings James Version of the Holy Bible is imperative. In the fifth chapter of Ephesians, it lays out some guidelines for the way men should be in the world. To make it short and sweet, Ephesians 5 can be described in three words: love, humbleness, and patience. Although Godly Men are slowly becoming a minority of the world, those who possess love, humbleness, and patience are on the right track to embodying the true definition of a Godly Man.
One of the first characteristics described in the definition of a Godly man is love. Love is a strong word that should only be used when it is truly meant. When God provides a man with the right woman for
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God has plans for people. Man can pray and pray for something to happen, but it will only happen when God wants it too. All the time people are saying that they cannot find a good man or woman that will do them right and stick with them and not cheat on them. Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. God has someone for everyone, but in order for them to get the right person for them, patience is imperative. If God wants it to happen, it will happen when God wants it, and when that time comes, it will be one of the best feelings ever. This may be the only chance to show unconditional love for someone and since God provided, man should not take advantage of this gift. It is imperative for both the man and the woman to be patient in order for him and his wife to have a successful marriage in the eyes of God. On a couples wedding day, a speech is given by both the bride and the groom. These speeches are known as vows, and are meant only to be the truth. One of the best vows for a Godly marriage include the words “As is Christ to His body, the church, So I will be to you a loving and faithful husband” ( To fulfill the promises stated in the vows, patience must be present in the marriage. Through sickness and through health, for better or for worse, man must be patient with his wife. Vows are a promise not only to each other, but a promise to God to stay faithful and loving. If these promises are broken

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