Professor: April Shoemaker
English 201
February 22, 2016 My characteristics of a HERO
My characteristics of a HERO are: Duty, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service, Integrity, Honor and
Personal Courage.
Modern day culture and characteristics of a HERO in modern day is someone who is making a differences in the world, someone who is fighting for a good cause and someone that that live by values.
SGM Frank Grippe is my modern day hero because as a young soldier I looked up to him because he was the one who took me in and mentored me to be the person I am today. SGM
Grippe showed respect, honor and personal courage during Afghanistan in Operation
Anaconda. He took his guys into war and brought us all back many was injured …show more content…
From my experience for 20 years in the army not all NCO’s live by the creed or enforced it. SGM Grippe was an NCO that I saw that live by it and he was the one who will go above and beyond to take care of a soldier.
The epic hero Odysseus achieves the characteristics of an epic hero in lots of ways such as being fit, and showing bravery as he goes on his epic voyage. Odysseus show his extraordinary strengths in many ways during his experiences, and showing great courage. He is a very resilient and have great leadership skills, and meets and overpowers many great creatures …show more content…
Odysseus also jeopardies his life looking for immortality acknowledgement (plant) and for the improvement of others. For those reasons he is consider an epic hero. He never does what he honestly thinks is wrong and also never treats any human, animal, or god with disrespect, even though they might not have done to him that what he feels is right. Courage is what numerous accept as true characteristic of Odysseus as an epic hero more than everything else. His indications in all that he prepares and speaks. Odysseus never back down from a battle or a task that he must go through. His ability in fighting and shooting the longbow and arrow was pretty amazing, but still they had zero skills on his ability to outsmart people and beasts. No matter what situation he came across he could continually be one stage headfirst of the next fellow. He retained his levelheadedness in all situations and think everything through before he takes action.
Physical characteristics of an epic hero are as follow being superhuman, being on an epic journey, being godlike, and born of royal blood. The epic hero is mixed with some godly traits and human traits at birth and also retains human feebleness. Odysseus certainly defines