Quality improvement is a system by which better health outcomes are achieved through analysing and improving service delivery processes.
Is the combined and unceasing efforts of everyone—healthcare professionals, patients and their families, researchers, payers, planners and educator to make the changes that will lead to better patient outcomes (health), better system performance (care) and better professional development (learning)
This definition arises from our conviction that healthcare will not realize its full potential unless change making becomes an intrinsic part of everyone’s job, every day, in all parts of the system.
Although all improvement involves change, not all changes …show more content…
audits: specifi c data is gained regarding existing practice and processes, in comparison to set performance standards.
control charts: process performance, based on existing data, is monitored over time and between populations to identify problems and patterns.
benchmarking: to compare existing.
3. Intervention phase – How can we achieve improvement?
This involves: determining potential interventions for the processes that require improvement defining performance measures implementing interventionsmonitoring the progress of improvement.
Figure 2.4 The Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle
Like a wheels within the wheels the intervention phase of the improvement cycle is characterize by a sequence of repeating smaller quality cycle, which provides for an organized and systematic approach to implementations of intervention. 4. Impact measurement phase – Have we achieved improvement? This involves evaluating the impact of interventions on the predetermined performance measures.
In this phase, repeated audits may be a feature, together with further surveys, key