Guidance for Colleges and Providers
October 2009
Of interest to colleges and other providers funded by the Learning and Skills Council
Further information For further information, please contact the appropriate Learning and Skills Council office. Contact details for each office can be found on the L S C website: l s c. gov .uk. Learning and Skills Council National Office Cheylesmore House Quinton Road Coventry C V 1 2 W T T 0845 019 4170 F 024 7682 3675 l s c. gov .uk Learning and Skills Improvement Service Friars House Manor House Drive Coventry C V 1 2 T E T 0870 1620 632 F 0870 1620 633 l s i s. org .uk
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It is the outcome of a two-year independent inquiry sponsored by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (N I A C E). The report starts from the premise that the opportunity to learn throughout life is a human right, and offers a vision of a society in which learning plays its full role in personal growth and emancipation, prosperity, solidarity and local and global responsibility. The report recommends how the sector should respond to an ageing society and changing patterns of paid and unpaid activity. It argues for a rebalancing of educational opportunities and entitlements for people at different stages of life, in particular an enhancement of the opportunities available for those over 50, and a more appropriate approach to the curriculum offer for those over 75. 24 Further resources on age equality and lifelong learning are available from The Age and Employment Network. ACTION …show more content…
The main purpose of the survey was to evaluate progress and good practice in response to the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. Race equality policies and plans were evaluated along with colleges’ approaches to tackling racism, quality assurance, employment, staff development and positive action. The report includes key findings in leadership and management, achievement and standards, quality of education and training, governance, employment and learners’ views, and contains many examples of good practice found in colleges. ACTION POINTS AND