"Lifelong learning policy in Scotland is about personal fulfilment and enterprise; employability and adaptability; active citizenship and social inclusion." (scotland.gov.uk) The Warnock Report (1978) was a key factor in influencing policy regarding children and young adults with Additional Support Needs. It believed that Provision for young people over 16 with special educational needs has received little attention in the past, within the report paragraph 10.3 states that;
"We believe that the …show more content…
In reality a recent investigation by the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) has highlighted serious concerns about the number of further education courses for students with additional support needs that are being dropped by colleges as a result of budget cuts. The data (obtained through a freedom of information request) found that almost one in ten courses for students with additional support needs closed over two years. Of the 23 colleges that responded, the number of courses mainly or solely for learners with additional support needs fell by almost 9% between 2010-11 and 2012-13.
To conclude, the implication of the above investigation suggests that the Scottish Executive Legislative Framework does not support local Further Education establishments to deliver adequate post 16 ASN provision. . Further to this it fails to meet legislative requirements such as Opportunities for All (2012) which states".... an explicit commitment to offer a place in learning or training to every 16-19 year old who is not currently in employment, education or