Equality and Diversity Strategy and Action Plan
Date Issued June 2012
Version 1.1
(Refer to back page for version control record)
IMPORTANT NOTICE : If the review date of this policy or procedure has expired staff should seek advice from their clinical lead or manager regarding the appropriate action to be taken.
Staff should refer to the POD for the most up to date information.
Equality and Diversity Strategy
Sets out how Nottingham CityCare Partnership (CityCare) will deliver on their Equality and Diversity Performance
All employees within CityCare and Service Users
Version Date
22/10 2012
Issue Date
18/12/ 2012
Review Date
1/12/ 2014
Equality & Diversity Officer
Development group
Equality & Diversity Committee
Superseded Documents
Nottingham City PCT Single Equality Scheme 2008-2010
Associated Documents
Equality and Diversity Policy 3.1
Corporate Plan 2011-16
Equality and Delivery System Framework
Approved by
Equality and Diversity Committee
June 2012
Ratified by
Distribution list
All staff (and members of the public)
Access Rights
All staff (and members of the public)
Impact Assessment
How do the changes affect staff
This provides guidance to all staff on how CityCare will be delivering on its commitment to Equality and Diversity
How do the changes affect working practices
Equality and Diversity will be part of everyday working right through the organisation
Equality Act
Setting Equality Objectives
The Equality Delivery System
The Equality Impact Assessments
Consultation and Engagement
Training Our Staff in Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Governance and Leadership
Performance Management
Monitoring & Review (of this Strategy)
The Equality and Diversity Action Plan
Further Guidance
Version History
Change Control Record
Apx 1
The EDS Grading Outcomes for Nottingham CityCare Partnership
Apx 2
The Equality and Diversity Action Plan 2012-2014
1. Introduction
1.1 Nottingham CityCare Partnership CIC (CityCare) is a provider of NHS community services. We are a staff-led organisation giving those on the front line, in-depth knowledge of the needs of their communities and a central role in service development and transformation as well as service delivery. Our services are provided by a range of dedicated health professionals in a range of settings – for example GP Practices, health centres, Joint Service Centres such as The Mary Potter Centre and Clifton Cornerstone, Children’s Centres and in people’s own homes. We aim to deliver our services in unique and innovative ways to provide truly integrated primary and community health services. Our aim is to provide better health and complete care; owned and delivered locally. As well as linking in with other NHS trusts, we work in partnership with many organisations in the statutory, private and voluntary sectors.
1.2 CityCare including the Board and all staff are fully committed to promoting equality, diversity and human rights and achieving the elimination of unlawful discrimination. To make our vision a reality, we are determined to promote equality of access and identify and eliminate any inequalities in all aspects of our service provision and employment. We are also committed to making sure that our patients and our staff are treated fairly, with dignity and respect and afforded equality of opportunity to develop their full potential.
2. Purpose
2.1 CityCare recognises the diverse needs of its population and aims to continue its work to reduce health inequalities and provide fair and equitable services that can be accessed by all communities.
2.2 As a provider of public services we are also committed to meeting our legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and have decided to adopt the NHS Equality Delivery System (EDS) to help us demonstrate how we are meeting the requirements of the Act and as part of this, the Care Quality Commission Essential Standards.
2.3 Our Strategy is operationalised by our Equality and Diversity Policy as well as our five year Corporate Plan 2011-2016 which has six Strategic Goals:
Prevent ill-health, improve well-being and provide services that improve local health outcomes.
Deliver services that are responsive to the needs of our local communities and our commissioners.
Deliver financial duties and ensure the efficient use of resources.
Be the employer of choice.
Provide services that are equitable, accessible and of high quality.
Investing in the wider community interest.
2.4 This Strategy, which incorporates the Action Plan and the Equality Delivery System (EDS), sets out Nottingham CityCare’s approach to delivering on its equality performance.
3. Scope
3.1 This strategy applies to all staff within CityCare and members of the public.
4. Definitions
EDS: Equality Delivery System which is a national framework to help organisations deliver on the Equality Act.
Equality Act: This is the law which bans unfair treatment and helps achieve equal opportunities in the workplace and in wider society.
Equality Objectives: These help focus attention on the priority equality issues within CityCare to deliver improvements in our policy making, decisions and service delivery.
Public Sector Equality Duty: This is a responsibility on all organisations that deliver on public services, to exercise this in order to fulfil their obligations under the Equality Act.
CQC Essential Standards: Care Quality Commission is the independant regulator of Health and social care services in England and the essential standards of quality and safety are the basic standards of care that an organisation registered with them must provide
Human Rights Legislation: This consists of the Human Rights Act 1998 which gives further legal effect in the UK to the fundamental rights and freedoms contained in the European Convention on
Human Rights.
5. Responsibilities
5.1. Chief Executive
5.1.1 The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for the strategic and operational management of CityCare, including ensuring that the organisation’s procedural documents comply with all legal, statutory and good practice requirements in relation to the Equality Act 2010.
5.2. The Board
5.2.1 The Board is responsible for overseeing the performance against CityCare’s Equality and Diversity work to ensure measures are in place to avoid any unlawful discrimination and to promote equal opportunities and good relations between people of different protected groups.
5.2.2 The Board delegates responsibility to its Directors to make sure this Strategy is applied, coordinated and monitored.
5.2.3 A non-executive Board Member is accountable to the board for Equality and Diversity and leads on this workstream.
5.2.4 The Board delegates responsibility to its Directors/Assistant Directors to promote and publicise CityCare’s commitment to equal opportunities and diversity, and promote equal opportunities in line with its statutory duties and the Human Rights Act.
5.3 The Governance Committee
5.3.1 Has delegated responsibility from the board to monitor against CityCare’s statutory responsibilities under the Equality Act through reports from the Equality and Diversity Committee.
5.3.2 Where any areas of concern are identified, the Committee will be responsible for monitoring any reports by exception and action as appropriate. 5.3.3 Monitoring the Equality and Diversity Committee by annual review against its terms of reference to ensure the Committee is discharging its functions appropriately.
5.4 The Equality and Diversity Committee
5.4.1 The Committee is responsible for overseeing the performance of CityCare’s Equality and Diversity Strategy and associated Action Plan as well as contract obligations on equality and diversity. 5.4.2 Monitor and review the work carried out for the Equality and Delivery System (EDS).
5.4.3 Provide support to develop and implement the equality and diversity strategic framework for workforce and service delivery in accordance with NHS and Department Of Health standards.
5.4.4 Monitor performance of CityCare against CQC Essential Standards as they relate to Equality & Diversity, Human Rights legislation and best practice.
5.4.5 Develop action planning to mitigate and deal with risk or breach regarding any aspect of delivery concerning equality and diversity.
5.4.6 Report to the Governance Committee on progress of equality and diversity work and escalate business and management risks concerning equality performance, reporting by exception.
5.5 Senior Management Team (SMT)
5.5.1 Strategic Leads (members of the SMT)are responsible for reporting on the progress of their action plans in relation to the Equality Objectives and the EDS to the Equality and Diversity Committee.
5.6 Equality and Diversity Officer
5.6.1 Provide quarterly progress reports to the Board and an annual Equality and Diversity Report showcasing what the organisation has achieved around equality and diversity and its progress regarding delivery of the EDS and brief for the Annual Quality Account.
Demographics The 2011 Census demonstrates that the City’s population is 305,700 compared to 266,988 in 2001 an increase of 38,712 (14.5%) since the last 2001 census. Just under a third of the population are aged 15 to 29 – with university students comprising about 1 in 9 of the population. The number aged 85+ has increased from 2,993 in 2001 to 3,500 in 2011. The latest (2005) estimates show 23% of the population as being from BME groups; an increase from 19% in 2001. The BME percentage is likely to be at least 25% by 2016, but at least 33% for children. International migration (recently from Eastern Europe) and an increase in student numbers are the main reasons for the population growth since 2001. Amongst the ethnic minority populations in Nottingham, people of Black, Asian and Mixed White ethnic origins are particularly over-represented in the statutory homelessness statistics when compared to the number you would expect to be homeless based on the 2005 ethnic population estimate. Despite its young age-structure, Nottingham has a higher than average rate of people with a limiting long-term illness or disability. BME groups tend to have higher rates of limiting long-term illness or disability than White British people, particularly in the older age-groups. Nottingham is ranked as the thirteenth most deprived district in England in the 2007 Indices of Deprivation. This is an improvement on seventh in the 2004 Indices of Deprivation, although there are some issues of comparability between the two studies. Nottingham's high levels of deprivation, low educational attainment and unhealthy lifestyle (high smoking, poor diet, low physical activity) are all interrelated determinants of its poor health outcomes and high level of health inequalities
8.9% of the working-age population were claiming Incapacity Benefit in May 2007, compared with 6.9% nationally.
There are high levels of child poverty in the City. 38,000 children and young people live in workless or low income households. (JSNA 2011)
6. The Equality Act
7.1 The Equality Act 2010 has consolidated and harmonised previous equality legislation to ensure that there is no discrimination against groups of people with protected characteristics which are as follows:
Pregnancy and Maternity
Sexual Orientation
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Gender re-assignment
Religion and Belief
7.2 We believe that CityCare’ s staff and service users will share at least one or more of the protected characteristics and therefore the principles outlined in the Act could protect anyone across the organisation whether as an employee or service user. The Equality Act places a ‘Public Sector Equality Duty’ on all organisations that carry out public functions. The duty has two parts to it:
7.3 General Duty – those subject to the general duty must, in the exercise of their functions have due regard to the need to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Encourage people from protected groups to participate where their level of participation is disproportionately low.
These are known as the three arms of the General Equality Duty.
7.4 The Act also explains that:
Compliance with the Duty may involve treating some people more favourably than others. The purpose of the Duty is to integrate consideration of equality and good relations into the day-to-day business of public organisations across all of its functions. Requires organisations to consider how they could positively contribute to the advancement of equality and good relations. Fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not include: Having due regard to the need to tackle prejudice and promote understanding.
The duty covers all the protected characteristics listed above, except marriage and civil partnership which is only considered in relation to eliminating unlawful discrimination.
7.5 CityCare is not only responsible for meeting its General Duty but also complying with particular reporting requirements under the Specific Duties ie:
Publish information to demonstrate compliance with the equality duty across our functions.
Publish our Equality Objectives, at least every four years.
7.6 CityCare understands the importance of considering how its functions can affect different groups in order to promote greater equality outcomes. ‘The new Act is not the end of the story - we now need to set to work implementing and enforcing it to make sure it is effective in helping us to continue to work towards a fairer and more equal society’, (the Government Equalities Office): Also the White Paper ‘Equality and Excellence; Liberating the NHS’, highlights the need for the new NHS Landscape to be fully compliant with the Equality Act 2010 and to tackle discrimination.
7. Setting Equality Objectives
8.1 The Equalities Act has a different focus than previous legislation. The Act encourages organisations to focus more on delivering equality outcomes rather than the procedural aspects of equality and diversity which was seen as a limitation with previous legal frameworks.
8.2 CityCare has developed the following four Equality Corporate Objectives
1) Audit current demographic data collected across CityCare services (by each Protected Characteristic.
2) Continue to seek patient views and feedback from individuals and communities across the protected groups ensuring feedback improves access and experience for all.
3) Develop opportunities for staff from Protected Characteristics to express ideas and voice concerns.
4) All staff from the Board Level to frontline are equipped with the knowledge skills and training to support Equality and Diversity.
8.2 The Objectives were decided through the following mechanisms:
We carried out a series of Listening Events for our Annual Quality Account from November to January 2012 with patients, carers and the public from diverse communities, the voluntary sector and stakeholders. These views have informed our objectives.
We have gained insight from our local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, our partners and other local data, patient satisfaction surveys, feedback from our Patient Experience Groups, our Complaints and Patient Advice and Liaison Service and diverse voluntary and community sector colleagues.
We have looked at the data we collate for the Care Quality Commission Essential Standards and identified gaps and where we need to prioritise.
We have started grading our NHS Equality Delivery System and the analysis and gaps have informed our priority areas.
We have sought views about what our priorities should be with our Equality Diversity Committee, the Board, Senior Management team and staff.
8.3 The Action Plan (appendix 2) outlines how we will deliver on our Equality Objectives which also relate to the four EDS Goals and are owned by accountable strategic leads within CityCare.
9. The Equality Delivery System (EDS)
9.1 The EDS is about real people making real improvements that can be sustained over time. It focuses on the things that matter the most for patients, communities and staff. It emphasises genuine engagement, transparency and the effective use of evidence.
9.2 The EDS has 18 outcomes, grouped under four goals:
1. Better health outcomes for all.
2. Improved patient access and experience.
3. Empowered, engaged and included staff.
4. Inclusive leadership.
Performance is rated on each outcome using four levels of grades, as follows:
Excelling (Purple) Achieving (Green)
Developing (Amber) Undeveloped (Red)
9.3 CityCare is using the EDS framework to help us deliver and measure our performance in equality and diversity. At appendix 1 you will find CityCare’s self-assessment against the 18 outcomes. This will be reassessed by various stakeholders during 2013.
9.4 Implementation of the EDS will be undertaken and monitored by CityCare’s Equality and Diversity Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Governance Committee, and accountable to the CityCare Board. The Committee is made up of a range of operational leads to ensure that CityCare meets its statutory duties set out in the Equality Act 2010 in all aspects of equality and diversity in terms of patient care and the workforce.
9.5 The Committee will report progress against the EDS to CityCare’s Governance Committee.
10. The Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs)
10.1 CityCare is committed to undertaking Equality Impact Assessments on all new policies and functions, as well as for changes in policies or services. EIAs are a key tool to ensure that relevant decisions that CityCare makes take account of the General Duty of the Equality Act and considers the needs of our staff and services from protected characteristics. EIA training will continue to be provided to our staff to ensure that they are fully conversant with this requirement and the process is fully embedded as part of our day to day responsibilities.
11. Consultation and Engagement
11.1 CityCare strives to ensure that patient and public views and opinions are at the heart of our decision-making and in the evaluation of our services. Our Internal system includes Patient Experience Groups (PEG) and a CityCare Members Panel and we are working hard to include representation to ensure the views of diverse communities are heard. Our PEG is chaired by a Non-Executive Director and feeds directly into the Board. We also facilitate a group which focuses on people with learning disabilities.
11.2 We undertake ongoing consultation where there are service changes to ensure patient, carer and community needs are taken on board.
11.3 We ensure improvements are embedded through our handling of comments, concerns and formal complaints.
11.4 Our process for conducting Equality Impact Assessments ensures engagement with communities where a function, policy or service may affect a protected characteristic group. Reports from all engagement activities are shared with everyone involved in the process, specifically highlighting how feedback has been used and the impact it has had.
12. Training Our Staff in Equality, Diversity & Human Rights
12.1 CityCare will provide an introduction to Equality and Diversity to all new staff as part of its corporate induction. Further training on equality and diversity forms part of the organisation’s mandatory training programme. However, to ensure our staff feel confident and capable around issues of equality, inclusion and human rights, CityCare aims to carry out a training needs analysis across our services to identify particular gaps or lack of understanding around some of the protected characteristics.- from this CityCare will take a tailored approach on further delivery of training.
13. Governance and Leadership
13.1 CityCare’s Board consists of four Directors, three Non-Executive Directors, a chair and a member of staff. The Board delegates responsibility to the Governance Committee to ensure CityCare is delivering on its Equality Duty. It in turn oversees the Equality and Diversity Committee, which monitors CityCare’s performance on equality; this is jointly chaired by the Director of Operations, Nursing and AHPs, who is strategic lead for the board on equality and diversity, alongside a Non-Executive Director with responsibility for Equality and Diversity.
13.2 The Board is responsible for overseeing the strategic priorities of CityCare and approves this Equality Strategy 2012-2014. The Board will receive an Annual Equality and Diversity Report for approval and quarterly progress reports including actions on the EDS.
14. Performance Management
14.1 We have introduced a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which will be monitored by the Equality and Diversity Committee and reported to the Governance Committee regualrly. Under the terms of our Care Quality Commission registration, we will monitor our compliance regarding equality and human rights legislation in line with relevant Essential Standards on an ongoing basis. We will report how we are meeting our commitments to equality and diversity as required by our commissioners. The Governance and Equality and Diversity Committees will monitor the Board Assurance Framework and Organisational Risk Register to ensure actions are put in place to address any issues and will ensure the Board is informed by exception.
15. Accountability
15.1 We will be transparent and improve our equality performance by working with partner organisations and ensuring a cohesive approach wherever possible, as well as working with organisations that represent the protected characteristics. This involves identifying and developing good practice for all protected groups in order to further improve our reputation as an equal opportunity employer and service provider.
16. Resources
16.1 All employees are responsible for delivering CityCare’s Strategy. They are led by the Board and supported by the Equality and Diversity Officer (EDO) and the Head of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI).
16.2 CityCare will ensure there are adequate resources in place to ensure it meets its Equality objectives in line with the EDS. 17. Monitoring and Review - (of this Strategy)
17.1 The monitoring of compliance to this Strategy is conducted on an on going basis by the Equality and Diversity Committee which meets every 6 weeks.
This document Strategy will be reviewed every two years or where changes are required.
18. The Equality and Diversity Action Plan
17.1 The Equality and Diversity Action plan demonstrates how we will deliver on the EDS incorporating this Strategy. It is presented under Appendix 2 attached and a written copy is available on request.
19. Further Guidance
19.1 If you have any concerns or issues with the contents of this policy or have difficulty understanding how this policy relates to you and/or your role, please contact the Equality and Diversity Officer on 0115 8839467 or by email: Manjit.Mahil@nottinghamcitycare.nhs.uk
20. References Equality and Diversity Policy Equality and Delivery System Framework
Version History
Single Equality Scheme was the main strategic document for Nottingam City PCT before becoming Nottingham Citycare Partnershp
June 2012
October 2012
Incorporating feedback from Equality and Diversity Committee and Governance Team
Change Control Record
Changes made
Appendix 1
The Equality Delivery System Grading Outcomes for Nottingham CityCare Partnership
Code for Grading
All Protected Groups
For most Protected Groups (6-8)
For some Protected Groups (3-5)
No Evidence at all, few (1-2) or no Protected Groups
EDS Goal 1 - Better Health Outcomes for All
Achieve improvements in patients health, public health and patient safety for all, based on comprehensive evidence of needs and results
Internal Grading
External Grading
Overall Grade
1.1 Services are delivered to meet the health needs of local communities, promote well-being and reduce health inequalities
1.2 Individual patients’ health needs are assessed and resulting services provided, in appropriate and effective ways
1.3 Changes across services for individual patients are discussed with them and transitions are made smoothly
1.4 The safety of patients is prioritised and assured. In particular patients are free from abuse, harassment, bullying, violence from other patients and staff with redress being open and fair to all
1.5 Public health, vaccination and screening programmes reach and benefit all local communities and groups
EDS Goal 2 – Improved Patient Access and Experience
Improve accessibility and information and deliver the right services that are targeted, useful, useable and used in order to improve patient experience
Internal Grading
External Grading
Overall Grade
2.1 Patients, carers and communities can readily access services and should not be denied access on unreasonable grounds
2.2 Patients are informed and supported to be as involved as they wish to be in their diagnosis and decisions about their care and to exercise choice about treatments and places of treatment
2.3 Patients and carers report positive experiences of their treatment and care outcomes and of being listened to and respected and of how their privacy and dignity is prioritised
2.4 Patients’ and carers’ complaints about services and subsequent claims for redress, should be handled respectfully and efficiently
EDS Goal 3 – Empowered, engaged and well-supported staff
Increase the diversity and quality of the working lives of the paid and non-paid workforce, supporting all staff to better respond to patients’ and communities needs
Internal Grade
External Grade
Overall Grade
3.1 Recruitment and selection processes are fair, inclusive and transparent so that the workforce becomes as diverse as it can be within all occupations and grades
3.2 Levels of pay and related terms and conditions are fairly determined for all posts, with staff doing equal work and work rated as of equal value being entitled to equal pay
3.3 Through support, training, personal development and performance appraisal staff are confident and competent to do their work, so that services are commissioned or provided appropriately
3.4 Staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying violence from both patients and their relatives and colleagues with redress being open and fair to all
3.5 Flexible working options are made available to all staff, consistent with the needs of the service and the way people lead their lives
3.6 The workforce is supported to remain healthy, with a focus on addressing major health and lifestyle issues that affect individual staff and the wider population
EDS Goal 4 – Inclusive Leadership at All Levels
Ensure that throughout the organisation, equality is everyone’s business and everyone is expected to take an active part, supported by the work of specialist equality leaders and champions
Internal Grading
External Grading
Overall Grade
4.1 Boards and senior leaders conduct and plan their business so that equality is advanced and good relations fostered within their organisations and beyond
4.2 Middle managers and other line managers support and motivate their staff to work in culturally competent ways within a work environment free from discrimination
Appendix 2
The Equality & Diversity Plan 2012-2014
(Please note – we have a fuller Action Plan with progress)
EDS Goal 1 - Better Health Outcomes for All
Achieve improvements in patients’ health, public health and patient safety for all, based on comprehensive evidence of needs and results
Proposed EDS Outcome
1.1 Services are delivered to meet the health needs of local communities, promote well-being and reduce health inequalities.
Carry out a baseline audit to establish gaps in data on existing service users with Protected Characteristics
Produce an equality data quality improvement plan (EDQUIP)
Work with our services to increase knowledge and understanding and uses of data.
Carry out EIAs to identify both positive and negative impact and action plan to address any gaps
Head of Business Development
Head of Business Development
Equality and Diversity Officer (EDO)
Service Managers
1.2 Individual patients’ health needs are assessed and resulting services provided, in appropriate and effective ways
Work jointly with the Patient and Public Involvement Department to put in place an engagement programme targeting individuals and communities from the relevant protected characteristics and voluntary groups
Provide support and training to staff to help them assess needs of individuals with relevant protected characteristics
Review our communication methods to ensure they meet the needs of patients with language and disability needs
Use Equality Impact Assessments to ensure services are meeting the needs of protected groups
EDO & Head of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
Service Team Leaders
Service Team Leaders and EDO
1.3 Changes across services for individual patients are discussed with them and transitions are made smoothly
Target protected groups to be included in our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement events
Ensure our Equality Impact Assessment process includes involvement by relevant protected groups.
Head of PPI
Service Managers
1.4 The safety of patients is prioritised and assured. In particular patients are free from abuse, harassment, bullying, violence from other patients and staff with redress being open and fair to all
Use feedback from our engagement with patient groups and results of complaints or surveys to review any gaps in patient safety related to any of the protected groups and put place any actions to address this
The organisation’s zero tolerance policy towards abusive behaviour is communicated across the organisation and patients are made aware of this; we will engage with our services to identify if there are any communication needs for any of the protected groups and look to redress any gaps
Sign up to the Being Open process to allow a platform for patients to convey their concerns
Head of PPI
Head of Health and Safety
Head of Patient Safety
1.5 Public health, vaccination and screening programmes reach and benefit all local communities and groups
Put in place monitoring systems to enable us to collect and analyse data on where these programmes are targeting relevant protected groups
Address any gaps in communities not accessing these
Health Improvement Manager
Health Improvement Manager
EDS Goal 2 - Improved Patient Access and Experience
Improve accessibility and information and deliver the right services that are targeted, useful, useable and used in order to improve patient experience
Proposed EDS Outcome
2.1 Patients, carers and communities can readily access services and should not be denied access on unreasonable grounds
Review the outcome of our Equality Impact Assessments to have a clear understanding of the impact of our services on protected groups.
Engage with individuals and communities as well as voluntary groups from the protected groups to evaluate their needs and any barriers to any access.
From this engagement work with protected groups to develop any required actions to encourage better engagement.
Develop a database of contacts for protected groups and proactively target them with specific information on our services in an easy read format
Provide up-to-date equality training to our staff to inform them of the organisation’s responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010
Put in place a robust monitoring data system to capture the relevant protected characteristics in our patient satisfaction surveys
Communicate the availability of a translation and interpretation service in our leaflets and publicity to protected groups
Service Managers and EDO
EDO and Head of PPI
Head of PPI
Head of PPI
Service Team Leaders
2.2 Patients are informed and supported to be as involved as they wish to be in their diagnosis and decisions about their care and to exercise choice about treatments and places of treatment
Work with our services to identify their training needs in this area and support them to ensure all protected groups are fully informed.
Identify any areas of improvement through our engagement and listening events targeted at protected groups and put in place relevant actions to address need.
We are publishing a new website with improved access to patient information and involvement.
Ensure staff make use of the translation and interpretation service referring to the organisation’s Interpreting Guidelines
Head of PPI
Head of Communications
Service Managers
2.3 Patients and carers report positive experiences of their treatment and care outcomes and of being listened to and respected and of how their privacy and dignity is prioritised
Ensure our training on dignity and respect incorporates the needs of protected groups.
Our engagement with our Equality Impact Assessments will also help inform us of positive outcomes for protected groups
Work with our services to collate positive outcomes from protected groups and any good practice which will feed into our annual equality report
Review Patient Satisfaction feedback
Review Complaints and PALS
EDO and Service Team Leaders
Head of PPI
Complaints Officer
EDS Goal 3 - Empowered, engaged and well-supported staff
Increase the diversity and quality of the working lives of the paid and non-paid workforce, supporting all staff to better respond to patients’ and communities needs
Proposed EDS Outcome
3.1 Recruitment and selection processes are fair, inclusive and transparent so that the workforce becomes as diverse as it can be within all occupations and grades
Publish our workforce data which includes breakdown of the protected characteristics
Review our recruitment and selection policy to ensure it is inclusive of all the protected groups
Review all our HR policies to ensure they consider all the protected characteristics
Continue to carry out Equality Impact Assessments on any changes to our HR policies to ensure there is no discrimination against any of the protected groups
Positive action to address under representation which includes sending out information to voluntary groups that work with protected groups and targeting protected groups through job fairs
Head of Human Resources & Workforce (HHRW)
HHRW & Staff Side Partnership Committee
Service Managers
3.2 Levels of pay and related terms and conditions are fairly determined for all posts, with staff doing equal work and work rated as of equal value being entitled to equal pay
We have adopted the Agenda For Change (AFC) whose national aim is to eradicate gender pay gaps. The system is based on job matching and evaluation of an individual role and therefore aims to have no discrepancy between the posts. It is a robust framework that is compliant with the Equal Pay Act
3.3 Through support, training, personal development and performance appraisal staff are confident and competent to do their work, so that services are provided appropriately
Review our Bullying and Harassment Policy through the Equality and Diversity Committee
Launch the revised Bullying and Harassment Policy in conjunction with staff side to raise awareness of bullying and harassment issues and the support that is available to help address them
Attendance of HR at new starter induction for staff to communicate organisation’s approach to Bullying and Harassment Policy and introduce factsheet on Bullying and Harassment
Promote equality and diversity into supervision and personal development plans
Evidence managers’ achievement in relation to Equality and Diversity for staff utilising the Knowledge and Skills Framework competencies
Monitoring staff feedback by protected characteristics via staff surveys
EDO and Staff Side Partnership Committee
Head of Workforce Development
3.4 Staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying violence from both patients and their relatives and colleagues with redress being open and fair to all
Collect staff data to include protected characteristics on cases of grievances, discrimination, bullying and harassment
All our HR policies will include an Equality Impact Assessment with discussions held through our HR policy group and Staff Side Partnership Committee
Our mandatory equality and diversity training to all staff incorporates the new changes outlined in the Equality Act 2010
Monitor concerns raised through staff surveys and grievances and act on this feedback
Ensure that patients, relatives and staff are made aware of the organisation’s zero tolerance stance and this is made available or explained in formats that are accessible by relevant protected groups
Plan, deliver and publicise a bullying and harassment awareness raising campaign in relation to legislative requirements that covers all 9 protected characteristics
HHRW and Head of Workforce Development
Service Managers and Service Staff
EDO & Head of Communications
3.5 Flexible working options are made available to all staff, consistent with the needs of the service and the way people lead their lives
Audit the number of staff working flexibly to ascertain level of take-up.
Work with managers to collate information on requests relating to protected groups such as carer’s and childcare responsibilities and reasonable adjustments
3.6 The workforce is supported to remain healthy, with a focus on addressing major health and lifestyle issues that affect individual staff and the wider population
The organisation is reviewing its Health and Wellbeing provision for staff
The health and well-being of staff will be monitored by regular supervision with the option of a referral to Occupation Health where required
EDS Goal 4 – Inclusive Leadership at All Levels
Ensure that throughout the organisation, equality is everyone’s business and everyone is expected to take an active part, supported by the work of specialist equality leaders and champions
Proposed EDS Outcome
4.1 Boards and senior leaders conduct and plan their business so that equality is advanced and good relations fostered within their organisations and beyond
On-going review and monitoring of EDS Action Plan
E&D Board Reports to reflect workforce information from protected groups
Deliver Equality and Diversity Training to all Board Members to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities under the Equality Act
The Equality and Diversity Committee will monitor Action plans and report progress to the Board
Equality and Diversity Committee
Equality and Diversity Committee
4.2 Middle managers and other line managers support and motivate their staff to work in culturally competent ways within a work environment free from discrimination
Carry out an equality training needs analysis and use this feedback to roll out specialised training around the protected groups as well as Equality Impact Assessment training.
All staff are expected to attend mandatory equality and diversity training which incorporates the new changes of the equality legislation.
Develop an equalities resource hub
Awareness campaign amongst staff on CityCare’s Equality and Diversity Policy, Strategy and Action Plan
Head of Workforce Development