Erikson’s 8 Stages of life
PSY 240
February 10, 2012
Erikson’s 8 Stages- 2
"It is human to have a long childhood; it is civilized to have an even longer childhood. Long childhood makes a technical and mental virtuoso out of man, but it also leaves a life-long residue of emotional immaturity in him". This was a quote stated by Erik Homburger Erikson the creator of the 8 stages of life. Erikson believed life is organized into eight different stages that start from they day you are born and continue until the day you die (Harder). Since adult life tends to last longer then childhood or teen years Erikson broke down the stages in experiences naming them young adult, middle aged adults, and older adults (Harder). Putting all the stages of life in order you have: infancy birth to 18 months, early childhood 18 months to three years, play age three to five years, school age six to twelve years, adolescence 12 to 18 years, young adults 18 to 35 years, middle adult 35 to 55 or 65, and the last a final stage late adulthood 55 or 65 to death (Harder). Breaking down each stage and really analyzing it can give a person a great outlook on where there life has been and where it is going, because nobody still living has completed these stages, so there is always room for change and new experiences.
Infancy: birth to 18 months trust vs. mistrust Infancy is the stage in life that is also referred to as the Oral Sensory Stage because this is the stage in life where an infant chooses to put everything they can grasp onto in their mouth (Harder). The key thing to this stage in life is a person’s mother. The mother is the person that an infant comes into the world already. It is the only person that an infant can trust, but that trust is also easily forgotten if an infant does not feel the love and affection back from its mother. If a person makes it through this stage in life trust will be something that they have learned, and they can have