Psych 321 –
Erik Homberger Erikson was born in 1902 near Frankfort, Germany. During his school years Erikson studied art and a variety of languages, rather than science courses such as biology and chemistry. He did not overly enjoy the atmosphere and ideals produced by formal schooling, so instead of going to college he traveled Europe for over a year. He then returned to Germany and enrolled in art school. One year later, he returned to Germany and enrolled in art school. Another several years pass, and Erikson began to teach art and other subjects to children of Americans who had come to Vienna for Freudian training. He was then admitted into the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute. In 1933 he came to the U.S. and became Boston 's first child analyst; He also obtained a position at the Harvard Medical School (Berger 36). Erikson then returned to California to the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Palo Alto and later the Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco, where he was a clinician and psychiatric consultant (Grinker 2007).
Erikson 's basic philosophy might be said to rest on two major themes: 1) the world gets bigger as we age and develop, and 2) failure is cumulative. In many cases an individual who has to deal with extraneous circumstances as a child may be unable to positively complete later stages as easily as someone who didn 't have as many challenges early on. Erikson recognized the basic notions of Freudian theory, but believed that Freud misjudged some important dimensions of human development. It was Erikson’s thought that humans develop throughout their life span, while Freud said that our personality is shaped by the age of five. Furthermore, Erikson developed eight psychosocial stages that humans encounter throughout their life. The stages are Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, Initiative vs. Guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Identity vs. Role
References: Berk, Laura E. Erikson 's Theory: Intimacy versus Isolation. Development Through the Lifespan. Pearson Education, Inc; 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007. Fourth Edition; 9. BOOK Erik Erikson 's theory of psychosocial development and vocational behavior. Munley, Patrick H., Journal of Counseling Psychology, Vol 22(4), Jul 1975. JOURNAL The Developing Person, Through the Life Span Kathleen Stassen Berger. BOOK Erikson on Development in Adulthood, New Insights from the Unpublished Papers, Carol Hren Hoare, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2007. BOOK Identity 's Architect: A Biography of Erik H. Erikson, Journal article by Roy Richard Grinker; American Studies International, Vol. 39, 2008. JOURNAL Identity 's Architect: a Biography of Erik H Erikson Journal article by Sonu Shamdasani; Medical History, Vol. 45, 2007. JOURNAL