
Erikson's Eight Stages

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Erikson's Eight Stages
1a) Describe how you, the Psychologist, would analyse and interpret the scenario. Discuss how you would explain to Kelly why she is behaving the way she does.
Erik Erikson was a developmental Psychologist who specialised in identity and believed that identity is being who or what a person is and their sense of identity is distinct from others. He believed that the formation of identity occurs in adolescence and every child must go through stages to reach their full identity. Erikson believed there to be 8 stages that people go through at different ages to reach their full identity; trust vs mistrust (0-1), autonomy vs shame (1-3), initiative vs guilt (3-6), industry vs inferiority (6-12), identity vs role confusing (12-18), intimacy vs isolation
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This will lead to becoming independent and becoming self-confident, while mistakes will be easily fixed. If you get the proper, positive balance of autonomy and shame and doubt, you will develop the virtue of willpower (Boeree, 2009). However, overprotection or disapproval from caregivers will lead to shame and not becoming independent. As Kelly adjusts to fit into her new loving family, she must learn to understand the new language barrier. This pushes her stage backwards as in this stage, children are learning to talk the language that they have been exposed to through their life so far. The next problem that occurs is her older sister hating her. Due to this disapproval of joining her family, it leads to Kelly feeling shame and doubt of joining this family which leads to her becoming ashamed of talking. Due to her trust issues from when she was younger, it still occurs in her new family as she has mistrust towards her sister bullying her. Shame of being bullying lead to Kelly distancing herself from her older sister and has now lead her to have doubt about the people around her and make her observe them closely before deciding if she can trust them without shame. Kelly would have to understand that her parents leaving her and the problems in her new family, especially with her older sister, are the main cause for her issues with trust and shame and doubt in her life now. This is because she is stuck in both of these stages and has not been able to move

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