Procedure: Choose two to four shots from the assigned sequence (they need not necessarily follow one another). Describe how the mise-en-scene in each shot resonates and/or contrasts with the other chosen shot(s). Due dates: A first draft is due on Friday, February 22, at 10am in the Catalyst Drop Box. A copy should be brought to quiz section on that same day for peer review. The first draft should include screen grabs of the chosen shots An easy method for screen grabs: (a) On the sequence links page, right-click on the link to the relevant sequence and choose “save link as.” Save the file to your computer or disk-on-key. (b) Download and install the free VLC Media Player (free) at (c) Pause on the frame you would like to grab and choose “video” then “snapshot.” The final version of the essay is due on March 1, at 10am in the Catalyst Drop Box.
Guidelines: 1. The key to success is detailed observation. Take your time to watch the sequence a number of times. Choose your shots carefully to support an argument. Look carefully at the screen grabs to discern elements of the mise-en-scene (such as shooting angle, color scheme, composition balance, and more). List to yourself the basic information for each shot: its duration, how the camera moves, diegetic and non-diegetic sound, transitions from and to the adjacent shots). You may want to