Semester 1, 2013
Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay
Writing instructions and Marking Rubric
This assessment task is an ESSAY.
The RMIT College of Business requires you to use a particular style of essay writing which involves both the way the essay is structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in your work.
The structuring of an essay is very clearly described in the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available online at:
Your first step in preparing for this assessment task should be to complete the tutorial.
Investing time before you start writing will result in a better essay.
Your second step should be mastering the art of referencing. There are many styles of referencing in use in different disciplines and geographical locations. You are required to use the RMIT Business Referencing System. This is available to you via the Library website, in your course site on myRMIT and is uploaded to the assessments folder in the BUSM 4176 course site. This is a 50 page document but reading it through will be enormously helpful for you in this and future assessment tasks.
Make sure that you can clearly distinguish the difference between an essay (page 28 of the document) and a report (page 36). Remember this current assessment task is an ESSAY not a REPORT.
The critical thinking element
We want you to become very comfortable with questioning everything you read and hear.
Anyone can remember facts and state other people’s views but a far more useful skill is to critically review what you read and hear and decide for yourself how reliable, accurate, applicable, contemporary, objective and fair it is.
In essay writing your tutor will value the fact that you are able to see both benefits and deficiencies in a particular theory.