Essay #1: Classification
You Are What You Eat
When looking around in someone's home, you can find many objects that reflect their individuality. From the color of paint on the walls, to the type of flooring they have, it is purely their own self-expression. I have taken a look inside my parents' refrigerator, and found that this too is a reflection of their personalities. The food items located in the refrigerator state several things about them. For one, the substances found show they try to go food shopping once every couple of weeks. Secondly, they try to accommodate all sittings by buying items that could be used at different times of the day for various meals. Lastly, it was obvious they eat at least one fruit or vegetable with every portion of food they consume.
In my research, I found that there were not any spoiled items, rotten fruit or vegetables, moldy cheese, or stale dairy products. There was an expiration date on approximately 75% of the items found. Apparently, my parents heed to all dates marked on the labels, because there were not any substances found that were past their deadlines. This shows that they have orderly and timely characteristics. Also, I