In the story of Thor and the Midgard serpent Thor, son of Odin and god of lightning and thunder will eventually become the champion of Midgard (realm of humans) by protecting humans from the invading giants and eventually killing their greatest opponent, the serpent of
Midgard. He would eventually end the protection of …show more content…
He went to see his father and demanded he battle Goliath. Saul, his father, at first declined he do such a thing. After David convinced his father that god protected him while he freed a sheep from the grasp of a lion and the claw of a bear his father lost his doubt and agreed to let him fight. When
David went out he went out with 5 smooth rocks, a slingshot, and his Sheppard’s staff an approached the champion. He killed him with one single rock slung from his sling. The philistine army fled after viewing this, little more than a boy, kill their greatest hero.
To me this is almost a subliminal message that anything is possible with the power of god on your side. It had an influence on the Israelis as a unknown boy from a unknown area showed bravery and overcame what everyone else doubted he could do. When you look at how this had an effect in the bible you can now assume that this was gods land and that if you praised him and don’t ignore his power he would protect you from danger opposed from the ones