Lewis begins to understand God, and his grief a little better. He starts to realize that his own mind and ways are flawed not God’s. Lewis comes to the conclusion that, “If there is a good God, then these tortures are necessary. For no even moderately good Being could possibly inflict or permit them if they weren’t”. If God is not good, then God does not exist. For any torture that occurs, occurs for the betterment of God’s children. Without these tortures we could not experience his wholesome love. If the tortures mean nothing, then there must be no God at all. The gracious God that we have, would not inflict pain on us with no reason behind it. I have to believe, if I believe in God, that there is a reason behind all of this. If it is all meaningless then there can be no God, because that would defeat the very purpose of God. We can never experience the love that God has for us in full, until we have experienced suffering in our own lives. It is the suffering that makes His love so
Lewis begins to understand God, and his grief a little better. He starts to realize that his own mind and ways are flawed not God’s. Lewis comes to the conclusion that, “If there is a good God, then these tortures are necessary. For no even moderately good Being could possibly inflict or permit them if they weren’t”. If God is not good, then God does not exist. For any torture that occurs, occurs for the betterment of God’s children. Without these tortures we could not experience his wholesome love. If the tortures mean nothing, then there must be no God at all. The gracious God that we have, would not inflict pain on us with no reason behind it. I have to believe, if I believe in God, that there is a reason behind all of this. If it is all meaningless then there can be no God, because that would defeat the very purpose of God. We can never experience the love that God has for us in full, until we have experienced suffering in our own lives. It is the suffering that makes His love so