October 29, 2012
Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action The American Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed in 1990 by President George Bush. His intended purpose was to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination and promote equality in the workplace. Disability is referred to as having physical or mental impairments which limits the way a person functions daily. Fighting to stop discrimination was a tough obstacle until the ADA was enacted. This law brought many changes which prevent discrimination against individuals based on disability, race, sex, and age. The affirmative Action and The Americans with Disabilities Act were created to bring equal or fair opportunities to …show more content…
President Kennedy had a plan to ensure individuals stay employed and while employed is treated fair. The affirmative action plan took effect in 1961, and designed for minority groups who has been discriminated against in past. The focus is to create a better environment for minorities through education, healthcare, and employment. The plan required most businesses and colleges to accept the most qualified person without looking at physical features. Employers have a responsibility to open employment to all individuals able to perform the job. Sometimes employers have to meet a quota to comply with regulations and limits hiring the highest qualified candidates. The ADA has five titles that are listed in categories. Many of the titles mandate disabled individuals access to public services. ADA also protects persons with HIV infections or AIDS. These laws make certain that they are not refused treatment due to health status (U.S department of labor, 2002). Facilities are making the businesses more accessible to people who are physically challenged. For example, all doors and hallways can accommodate wheelchairs, and bathrooms are handicapped equipped. Last is the elevators must have at least one accessible