Its activity is divided, in turn, in subspecialties, such as Dermatology Cosmetics, Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Pediatrics, among others. Each focuses on specific fields: the first focuses on aesthetic aspects, the second in skin disorders that appear during childhood, …show more content…
The diseases that irritate, clog or inflame may cause a variety of symptoms, such as redness, burning and itching. Also, allergies, irritants, some disorders of the defense system (immune) and even your genetic makeup are different factors that can causeskin diseases , from a mild case of dermatitis (skin inflammation) or hives up excessive hairiness, ringworm, candidiasis, scabies, sunburn, cancer moles or skin .
Regularly general physician or dermatologist can identify the changes through a simple visual examination. The telltale features include size, shape, texture, color and location of the anomaly, besides the presence or absence of other signs or symptoms. However, in other cases the specialist should remove small piece of skin to examine it under a microscope (biopsy), to establish the correct diagnosis.
Now if the doctor suspects that the skin can be infected, it made a scraping of the area and sent to a laboratory, where the sample is grown in a culture medium. If the tissue containing bacteria, fungi or viruses, they grow in culture and can be