I personally wouldn’t have minded to live in Pennsylvania or South Carolina. The great land and location to water made both of these good destinations. It wasn’t a tough choice to choose the colonies I wanted to live in. On the other hand the ones I wanted to avoid were most of them. The Caribbean islands and Georgia seemed like a bit of a downfall. They aren’t completely bad, but there’s enough evidence to keep me away. Caribbean’s were becoming over populated, and Georgia wasn’t the wealthiest place to live. South Carolina seems like a pleasant place to be at the time. It’s not a poor colony at all. The have very wealthy land owners and most are …show more content…
The Caribbean islands were also a very fought over land. Having all kinds of islands put a lot of country’s at war for them. Spain settled on all of the bigger ones. Leaving Cuba, the French, English, and many others to the tiny islands. At one point the Netherlands created a diversion with war. Attacking the Spanish having their heads turned the whole time, and the Netherlands using all they had to go to war and fight the Spanish. Mean time the English were taking over the land. Some of the more important ones were Barbados and Jamaica. Barbados though eventually moved to South Carolina, well most of them did. The Islands of the Caribbean though wasn’t very fertile land. They tried many different crops, but the only ones that worked were sugar and sugar cane, which they could turn into Rum. Very Unlike Pennsylvania and South Carolina. Where the crops and livestock flourished throughout the land. That being the only crop they really had makes it hard for me want to live there. On top of it being a big fight over the islands. Eventually in the Caribbean’s the slaves took over most of the population out numbering the settlers four to one. Which in my eyes seems like a big deal back then and I wouldn’t want to live through