By:Monika Vasquez
Introduction Did you know that heroin addiction is currently on the rise? Will it sure is. More and more people are discovering heroin, which means more addiction. Some heroin users don’t even know the risks that heroin can do to you. The risks are so high that it can even lead to death.
If you don’t know what heroin is you must be living under a rock. Heroin is a highly illegal drug that people still use because how addicting it is. Heroin is made out of a poppy pod plant that is extracted or processed.The color of heroin can range from a pale white to a brownish color. Heroin addiction is on the rise and it needs to stop or else our teens lives will be ruined.
How can heroin be so addictive to anyone? Heroin can be addictive to anyone who has used it. To get addicted to heroin you have to use it over and over multiple times. People get significant withdraws if they are addicted to heroin. …show more content…
Sometimes people want to stop, but they have to deal with withdraws so they just use it to feel normal. In the year of 2013 atleast 526,000 people needed treatment due to heroin addiction. More further, about addiction 23% of people who tried heroin only once became addicted. Yup pretty surprising if you ask me. When an individual becomes addicted the persons all day main goal is to just use heroin. On the other side a normal person's main goal is to finish work.
As I said before, people who are addicted to the drug and stops us ing it they will experience significant withdraws. Those withdraws are throwin up, a trouble of sleep, random chills, and diarrhea. Of course there are many other things as well. If you are using heroin and want to stop, but doesn't want to experience the withdraws there is some medicines and treatments to help with the addiction.
If you use heroin can you die from it? Yes, unfortunately you can die from heroin. How? You may ask. Well heroin can slow or even stop a person's breathing causing that person to die. You can also die from heroin if you overdose on heroin. When a person overdoses on heroin they will experience cold damp skin, shaking of the body, vomiting, blue lips and or fingernails, and of course slow breathing. If someone does overdose there is a drug called naloxone that reverses the effects of heroin overdose. You can get naloxone prescribed by a doctor if you use heroin.
Overdose. Overdose is a way to die as I said. About 10,000 people died in the year of 2014 due to heroin overdose. In fact ages between 15 and 24 are more likely to overdose on heroin. This is because of how young they are. Over the years heroin has been on the rise, which just means the rates of overdose and deaths are getting higher.
What can heroin cause? First things first when someone uses heroin, the heroin goes to the opioid receptors, which is located in the brain and the brainstem.
The brainstem controls breathing and other functions. Once those opioid receptors are affected so is the brain and brainstem which can cause various types of things. Heroin can cause come, extreme itching, death, and HIV. You can get HIV due to sharing needles. Also, when heroin users buy heroin on the streets it has a high chance of having toxins in it. When the heroin has toxins in it and can effectively affect the brain, liver, stomach, and various other parts of the body.
What are other names for heroin? And why use different names? People use different names for heroin so they don’t caught. Parents also should be responsible to know heroin slangs because their loved ones might be using it, if you hear or see them say it. Heroin can be called brown sugar, horse, smack, H, junk, and black tar. If you heard your loved one say these names talk to them about it quickly.
How is heroin
used? Heroin can be used in all sorts of ways that you have most likely heard of. Heroin can be smoked, snorted, and injected. Heroin users inject heroin by mixing heroin and water together. Also, the veins will eventually collapse due to injecting heroin so much. When you veins collapse they do not transport blood throughout the body no more. As I said before, when people do not have a needle they will share with other people and have a high risk of getting HIV and other infections as well. Fun fact people mix heroin with other drugs that way they will most likely overdose.
Conclusion If you know that your loved one is using heroin get them help right away. Again, heroin is an extremely dangerous drug that can lead to death. You don’t want your loved one to die don’t you? Nor do you want their future to be affected. Of course not get them help as soon as possible. Get them treatment right away.