People use hunting for food purposes everyday. Harvesting and processing your own meat can save you lots of money in the long run when compared to buying store bought meat. Wild venison is more natural than most meats found in the supermarket. “Shooting a deer or an elk every year yields you a huge amount of the most organic, lean meat you will find.” Eating venison is much more ethical than eating beef.
This sport has been around for hundreds of years. Hunting first started with rocks and sticks and developed into sharpened spears and chipped stone points. With this new way of life, the wolf domesticated itself into “man’s best friend.” The bow and arrow has been around for approximately 15 million years, and rifling was introduced in the 16th century. Rifling is the arrangement of spiral grooves on the inside of a rifle barrel, this made shots more accurate.
Should Hunting be considered inhumane? Deer collisions kill over 200 motorists, costing around $10 billion a year. Hunters take 6 to 7 deer for everyone highway-killed deer. Seventy eight percent of Americans have a favorable view of hunting. More and more people are realizing that hunting is a necessary tool and not just an outdated