
Essay On Iron Triangle

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In America people are stereotyped for their skin color, how they dress, physical features, and so forth. Although Americans stereotype others, our law enforcement uses racial profiling when there is no probably cause; racial profiling is when law enforcement targets someone due to their race, ethnicity, religion, or their national origin. Our law enforcement and government have a tendency to use what’s known as the iron triangle. The iron triangle is a cooperative relationship between different government ranked officials but they also will benefit from a law or regulation. In a news article a woman who was minding her own business was requested off a plane, cuffed, strip searched, and put into a jail for the time being. An article wrote by Niraj Warikoo told the story of Shoshana Hebshi who was of the Arab descent who was requested off a plane in Detroit. Hebshi was sitting next to two men who were of Indian descent were all three suspected for possible danger due to being racially profiled because of their ethnic background. The day Hebshi was searched marked the 10th anniversary of the attack on the twin towers, 9/11. Habshi had no idea what was happening and …show more content…

When the congress begins to get big ideas, its passed to the department of defense, and eventually each state law enforcement could play a role and impact the community. When the law enforcement become part of the iron triangle, they will also continue to use racial profiling then on the clock. A good example of the iron triangle impacting racial profiling would be President Trump and his travel band, he is racial profiling those who live in certain countries of the world. The iron triangle would be the 3 branches of government, the judicial and legislative would be ate the bottom of the triangle with the executive branch ate the

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