In “My So-Called Life,” the show begins with Angela and how she distances herself from her parents and childhood friends, and befriends two new friends, who are radically different and far less conventional. She dyes her hair bright red, trying to change herself, and gets numerous mixed reactions from her peers. There is one night …show more content…
There are countless of cases where adolescents cannot have this stage of emergence, be it because of teenage pregnancy, or because they need to acquire a job right out high school to support their family. If various adolescents are not able to go through emerging adulthood, how does this impact the rest of their lives? Is this why certain adults go through a midlife crisis? If this is true, is there a way in which society can change in order to allow these people to be able to go through this developmental stage? It is important that adolescents go through this stage in order to truly understand themselves, as well as go back and reanalyze past