Unlike maternity leave, paid vacations provided for young …show more content…
“Father’s leave is linked to more involvement in childcare activities such as helping a baby to eat, changing diapers, getting up in the night, bathing and reading to a child, compared to fathers who took no leave. There was some evidence of children having better cognitive outcomes when fathers were more involved early on in their lives,” says Dr. Jennifer Baxter, the author of the study. It is just as important for a father to connect and spend time with the new baby as it is for the mother to do so, but this is not able to happen due to the lack of paternity leave.
It may seem to be an indirect argument, but paid paternity leave contributes to economies as well. First of all, it helps women return to their workplaces at a quicker rate; secondly, paternity leave strengthens family relationships and bonds making people happier. To companies, happy families mean happy employees. This results in an increase of productivity and loyalty to a