How Can Adoptive …show more content…
Don’t hold back if you feel the need to express yourself. This will allow the atmosphere to become one of inclusion and belonging for all parties. If all are sincerely welcoming, there will be little standing in the way of the healthy relationship.
Acknowledge Shared Traits: As adoptive parents, acknowledge characteristics the child has that they share with their birth parents (i.e. eye color, talents, etc.) As birth parents, acknowledge the characteristics that the child got from their adoptive parents (i.e. mannerisms, values, hobbies, etc.)
Communicate Freely: Be direct and clear. If a conversation or visit is uncomfortable, advise the others involved of the problem and pinpoint exactly what happened that created the discomfort so it doesn’t occur again. While expressing concerns, be gracious. Then make a simple plan for the next contact including changes to make sure everyone feels comfortable.
If you are having difficulty keeping in touch with birth parents or adoptive parents, attempt to find a support group in your area or online where you could benefit from the advice of many others in similar situations. Often, the desire to have a healthy relationship is there, but differences in lifestyle, age and even location are causing efforts to break down before they