Do you think that Partial-Birth Abortion is a type of murder? Do you think the women going through this termination method of abortion are doing their baby a favor? Why would anyone willingly carry a baby for nine months if all they're going to do is go through with an abortion using the (PBA) method? This method is traumatizing to the mother both physically and more importantly psychologically. I think the psychological damage is more devastating than the physical. Psychological scars can take years to heal, and in some cases may never heal. When we think of psychological damage, we often ignore the fact that it is really a combination of trauma done to both the physical and mental …show more content…
You might say you don’t want to bring a baby into this crazy world, so you think the best for the child is to kill it! You're just as bad as some of the other crazy people in this world. You have nine months to carry the child that you now choose to use the partial-birth method on. Why would you not just sign the baby up for adoption instead of killing it? In one article I read, some people chose this method over other abortion methods because of their religious beliefs. In some religions, a girl can’t have a child before she gets married. She can’t kiss or have any sexual contact or activity before matrimony. If a woman disobeys the rules set down by this system, she becomes subject to dire consequences. The punishment for such a woman ranges from beatings to banishment and, in some cases even death by the hand of a male family member, usually the father or a brother to restore the family honor. While it takes two to violate the belief system, it is almost always just the woman that bears the brunt of the punishment. Men seem to be above reproach, and often act with impunity. Some families cover up the act and attempt to violate the edicts of their religion by turning to PBA to resolve the